Time To Do The Spring Thing!

It’s time to rub the sleep from your eyes, have a good old stretch and shake off the heaviness of that long, dark, winter. Sunnier times are coming friends and we can almost taste the charred al fresco sausages from here. Now that the clocks have sprung forward we’re celebrating the lighter days by giving the house a good spring clean, yes, we know it’s a bit cliché but we honestly didn’t notice all that pesky dust gathering in the February gloom. More importantly we’re also reclaiming our mojo, which must have got lost down the back of the couch during all those winter months spent hibernating, fuelled by box sets, crisps and dip.

Step 1: The Spring Clean A wise person once told us that it should only take 11 minutes to clean one room, whatever the size. We haven’t really delved into the science of this too much because, well, surely a tiny flat must be a doddle to clean compared to a sprawling pile, but it doesn’t really matter. Owners of sprawling piles usually have a team of staff to do the dirty work and as for the rest of us, we’re more likely to get down to the hideous task of cleaning our bombsite of a bedroom if we’re armed with the knowledge that it will only take 11 minutes. So it takes longer than 11 minutes? That’s OK, we’re nearly finished now and just discovered a top that we totally forgot we owned buried under 3 old copies of Elle and an empty Starbucks cup. Hopefully after this grand cleaning spree, regular cleaning will take place, ensuring that the wise person’s 11 minute rule remains intact.

Step 2: Updating our interiors Once we’ve despatched with the dust, it’s time to add some springy touches to our interiors. Our stags head bedding and luxurious throws suddenly feel a bit too wintery now that summer is on its way, so it’s off with them in favour of something simpler, perhaps a crisp white bedspread, which feels decadent and fresh when bathed in the beautiful reflections of the morning sun. Our home accessories are due a refresh too. Out with the decadent jewel colours and in with bold summery pinks, tangy lime greens and baby blues. We’re combining colour and scent to create lively spring vibes, adorning our rooms with tropical watermelon pillar candles, Persian lime jar candles, and vanilla and coconut gift box candles to remind ourselves that brighter days are here and ensure that our sprits remain lifted.

Scented Candles Tropical Watermelon Vanilla and Coconut

Step 3: Putting a spring in our step If you expressed some independent thought and didn’t join the masses by enrolling in the gym come early January then now is a great time to lace up your training shoes, dig out the yoga mat or sign up to Zumba. The lighter nights mean that it’s easier to come home and pop on your gym kit instead of your pyjamas, plus with the countdown until holidays firmly on, there’s nothing like the fear of wearing a bikini to motivate us into squatting, lunging and generally feeling a little sick and sweaty. We’ve signed up to fitness challenge (now’s the perfect time to set yourself a goal, maybe a 5k sponsored run?) and all the extra endorphins and daily doses of post work fresh air mean that we’re full of the joys of spring! Shearer Candles

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