Fragrances to accompany your detox

Clean Slate and Lemon Zest

If you’re anything like us, you’re back at your desk today wondering how the festivities went by so fast, and suddenly left feeling tired out, a bit sad it’s all over for another year, and almost certainly a little bit heavier in need of a detox!

Make sure your health kick isn’t just about drinking less and watching your calorie intake. As much fun as they are, Christmas and New Year can be physically, mentally and emotionally draining times, and leave you feeling exhausted. We think January should be about putting yourself first; whether that’s about exercise, a healthy diet, more sleep or just working in ways to help you to positive and optimistic.

It’s said the fragrances around your home can have the power to uplift your mood; to help you relax and unwind, to focus the mind or to just make you feel a little brighter. Here are our top three fragrances to accompany your detox this year…

Clean Slate

Our Clean Slate fragrance is pure, clean and fresh with hints of lily, jasmine and white rose; it truly is a fragrance to celebrate all things new.

The scent of lilies has the power to calm you; it’s said the fragrance helps to regulate your heart rate and encourages you to breathe deeply - this in turn is said to reduce stress.

Jasmine is a great scent for relieving anxiety and promoting sleep, whilst the fragrance of white rose is said to boost self-esteem, confidence, and mental strength. If you meditate, this is the perfect accompaniment to help you focus the mind.

Lemon Zest

Our Lemon Zest scent collection presents a fragrance of fresh, juicy lemons enhanced with sparkling verbena and lemongrass. It is said that citrus scents are very powerful tools for increasing productivity and optimism. If you are struggling to get back into the swing of things and focus on the task in hand; this is the scent for you this month.

Vanilla & Coconut

January can be a very difficult time of year when the winter blues are in danger of creeping in.

Vanilla contains the ingredient, vanillin, which is known for its anti-depressant properties which help to relieve tension, ultimately aiding a good night’s sleep. We recommend our Vanilla and Coconut fragrance range for your bedroom this month. Pop a scent diffuser near your bedside to help deeper sleeps and keep stress at bay.

Whatever your outlook is for January, we wish you a very Happy New Year from everyone here at Shearer Candles and hope 2019 is a healthy year full of hope and positivity.

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