Special Offer For Extra Special Candles

English is spoken all across the world and the language is undoubtedly the greatest export ever from these shores. Every year you hear of ‘new’ words that have been added to the dictionary, recently ‘lol’ and ‘selfie’ spring to mind. Some people tut and wonder what the world is coming too but the truth is the English language has always been adopting new words, usually from other languages. The word ‘couture’ for example is French and literally means the designing, making or selling of women’s clothes. Yet today in English it means much more than that. For most English speaking people it means designer, high quality, exclusive and fashionable. We associate it with the finer things in life, both desirable and beautiful.

Winter-Tins Our-Collections

So when we were creating our new scented candle collection Couture seemed like the perfect name. Not only have we spent many painstaking hours creating what we think are the perfect scents to match the finest quality candles you expect from us but we’ve also made them look beautiful too. The packaging on all our new Couture Collection candles is stunning; you’ll want them around your home for how they look not just how they smell.


If that wasn’t enough incentive for you to try out the collection we’ve a rather special offer this month; 25% off any Lavender and Geranium candles from the collection. There are nine different types of Lavender and Geranium ranging from large pillar candles to tea-lights. Even if you’re not a fan of either scent on their own when combined they complement each other perfectly and give a fresh summer scent quite unlike any other. The word Lavender is from Latin first brought here by the Normans and Geranium is a Greek word, further proof of our ever-evolving language. But whatever language you speak 25% off our finest candles to date means a great deal!

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