Highland Collection Candles – Our Heritage



 This month has been a pretty big deal here in the UK. With athletes from all over the world descending on London for the games there is a lot of people coming together in one place to celebrate sport. We think this is wonderful, as it gives us all a chance to share our cultures and traditions with each other. We learn about people from places we have never heard of, and how they come together under one shared goal, to win that gold. We are exceptionally proud of our heritage. Our humble beginnings as a chandler for boats and builders on the river Clyde back in 1897 makes us the company we are today. The candles that lit the way for explorers, traders and travellers into the new world are still manufactured with the love and care now as they were back then. The values, skill, tradition and love for what we do have made us who we are. We still hand pour many of our candles in the same way we did back in 1897. Heritage is something exceptionally important to each of us, and when shared can be celebrated with people from all traditions. So when it comes to candles and Scottish heritage, we are your chandler folk! From this, we have our wonderful Highland Collection. Our two forms, Aye Fond Kiss and Red Red Rose collection both gain their name from Scotland’s baird, Robert Burns.


 Our Aye Fond Kiss collection carries the scents of Scotland. Be it romance in the guise of our Aye Fond Kiss Robert Burns chalicve, or cuisine in our Cranachan whisky goblet or friendship with our Highland Quaich of friendship, all of the wonderful things that make our homeland so special and unique are encapsulated in this glorious collection. The goblets are presented in a tartan gift box, so are ideal as a gift for any lovers of Scotland.


 Our second piece from The Highland Collection is the Red Red Rose collection. As you can probably guess from the name, these pieces focus on the romance and love that is inherent in all things Scottish. Scotland has become synomomous with romance, from Robert Burns to The Highland mist, Scotland is steeped in Romance. Now this doesn’t necessarily mean that the next person you meet in a kilt will be starry eyed and reciting loving lyrics in a scots dialect, but it does mean that we can celebrate this association with love in our candle collection. The ivory rose scented Robbie Burns chalice, complete with an inscribed verse from his famous poem, my love is like a red red rose is a perfect bestowal of love for your nearest and dearest. The chalice comes in a tartan gift box and is perfect as a gift. We also have the Highland Rose Pillar candle. This candle has the romantic scent of dew drenched rose petals and will add a stylish, Scottish look and feel to your home. Our heritage candle selection, The Highland Collectionis available to buy online today. Kind Regards Stephanie Barnet Marketing Executive Shearer Candles

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