Guest Blog by Felicity Anderson: Celebrating Halloween


Halloween candles and pupkin


What do one half of the Gallagher brothers, a vampire, a Grecian and a child of the 90’s rave scene all have in common? We assumed all of their identities, under the guise of Halloween, while we were in our 20’s.

Firmly among the ‘Peter Pan generation,’ of adults who took a while to grow up, we loved dressing up for Halloween way beyond childhood.

Since hitting 30+, however, we appear to have unconsciously retired the witches’ fingers and hung up our Dracula’s cape, at least until we have little ghouls of our own to dress up, or receive an invitation to a truly Thriller-esque fancy dress party (hint, hint).

That’s not to say that we have given up on Halloween. Rest assured, candle lovers, our passion for this atmospheric, sort of silly, time of year will never fade. Cut us and we still bleed fake blood.

Having recently watched the remake of the movie It *from behind our fingers* we’ve been inspired to turn up our scary mojo in time for October 31st, although in a slightly more grown up fashion than before.


Join us by following the freakishly good tips below:

Create a Spooky Mood

The spooky mood creation part of your Halloween festivities is easy. If you’re the grown-up person that you claim to be, then we don’t have to tell you about a candles ability to instill instant atmosphere into any room.

Simply light at least five candles (hitting peak Hygge and Halloween at the same time – double points for you). Our Amber Noir and Orange Pomander Pillar Candles, in halloweeny black and orange are perfect for a creepy colour scheme, then turn out the lights -if you dare.

Relax the sugar ban for one night and fill a bowl with spooky sweets and monkey nuts.

Finger food and candles – how terribly grown up of you.

halloween candles and pumpkin

Have a Scary Movie Night

Terrify yourself into checking under the bed, and in every cupboard, before going to sleep for at least a few weeks, by getting cosy and watching some of our favourite classic Halloween movies, in no particular order they are:

1. Heathers

2. Nightmare on Elm Street

3. It (original)

4. Scream

5. Halloween

Be a Trick or Treaters Dream

Answer the door, don’t hide behind the sofa. Offer a bowl brimming with sweets, not filler monkey nuts, adorn your front steps with pumpkins and greet children with a frightening witchy cackle.

Dress Up Your Kids

You might not feel like dressing up anymore but that doesn’t mean you can’t unleash your killer creativity on your kids or other unwitting children that you know. There’s nothing like turning a baby into a pumpkin, or a 7-year-old into an old man, to lift the Halloween spirits.

Shop Shearer Candles range of Halloween Candles

Happy Halloween Candle Lovers!

Author: Flic - one of Shearer's biggest fans. She also loves cats, lying down and watching crime dramas! Check out her lifestyle blog at

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